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Free Palestine 🍉, 27 y.o.
Agadir, Morocco [Current City & Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person


Bachelor's degree
English Studies (Linguistics)

Relationship status


Joined 7 months ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 33.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 21
Goodnight everyone and I wish to everyone reading this post a good day full of happiness and success 😍
Reply - Conversation - Dec 21
Sometimes I am interested to talk to someone so I visit her/his profile but unfortunately I find her/him restricting me to contact him/her.

Some of them visit my profile back but I can't tell them I am interested to talk to them cause I am restricted 😞
Reply - Conversation - Dec 21
Today is my birthday (December 22) 🎂

I will be happy if you see this post and wish me a happy birthday 😊
It will really make my day 🥳
Thank you 😊
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18
I find it funny when some people say " I can't sleep... Can we talk? "

Come on 😂 If you want to sleep, you will not find time to talk, just go and try to sleep again 😆
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18
I hope everyone reading this to act upon it 🙏

If someone is good with you, please don't exploit him/her. Cause at the end you will lose a gem which is rare to find nowadays.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18
Don't be a parasite in relationships, feeding off people and not doing them any good 😏
Reply - Conversation - Dec 17
Keep that in mind.
Pleasing People is a goal that can never be achieved 💀
Reply - Conversation - Dec 17
I can't believe these following questions are controversial in some places in this world.

What is a man?
What is a woman?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15
I was in this website for more than 10 years and I have just discovered lately ( two weeks ago) how amazing the wall's feature is hahaha 😂
Reply - Conversation - Dec 14
Bro, when I hear what some per-verts and weirdos men do by sending some psycho messages and pics to women.

Bro, this is so much, this place is not for mentally ill people.

Go to other place dude!

You are making it hard for good men who are here just for a normal conversation 😑
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