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Boeun325, 32 y.o.
Gwangju, South Korea [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 64.
inactive user
how are you?
nice to meet you too! my name is Sara ^o^
you also are really cute~~~^.^
inactive user
hi :)
inactive user
actually , I mean what u will learn in college ..

anyway , I like learning english too
and i'll take french class next semester :D
inactive user
I see ^^
what do u like to learn ?
inactive user
well, u are on vacation , arent u ?
inactive user
hey ^^ sorry for late reply
i was on ipod yesterday.
its quite hard to type there.
well, Im Nam btw
nice to meet u , Boueun
yes.. sure. we can be friend
inactive user
nah u're not...
inactive user
oh...good luck with it^^
inactive user
me too.
and Lollipop will import to thailand soon.

i want it too. haha
but i think it should be expensive. > <
inactive user
ahh~ really?? hehe

i love LG Icecream. haha
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