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Igor, 50 y.o.

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1355.
inactive user
Well, good humor is never enough, hello there from Kamnik-:)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 5, 2009
Stopping by to say hi. I have been doing research on Slovenia as a place I might like to visit/live someday soo. Any info is greatly appreciated.
inactive user
heeey..penpal friends are you still busy
like always,hahaha..
where are you now..

much friends of yours miss you also like me,
so please come back or you get spanky (laught)
ok, Igor have a good time than.

bye, greetz from holland!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2008
Hey, Bob,
How are you? Just haven't heard of you lately...
inactive user
what a nice profile you have!
nice to meet you!
inactive user
Hi, friend so far a way
How was you weekend and if you miss me I miss you too.
Did you have plan a nice vacation for us the place where you want
to go for prefer with me and with the roses? ( Laught)

see you Igor
Reply - Conversation - Jul 5, 2008
hm does it taste good??
inactive user
JAJAJAJAJAJAJA--- Thank-you Mucho for you information Mr Igor !

I will look forward to seeing the pictures from your not yet decided vacation destination.. :)

Ltr' friend,

Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2008
Hey! you´re stalking me here again...that´s great!!
Yeah, let´s do it, you come to São Paulo and I go to Maribor..may I go right now?? hahahahahha....
Hope you´re fine =)
inactive user
Yo Igor.What's crackin' ? I'm glad hearing back from u :) Yep I'm from Torino.Nice to know that u've visited here last March ! Did u like my beautiful city ? :) Are u gonna visit Italy again ? if yes when ? It's being really warm today,now I'm having an ice tea,lol.How was your day ? Pozdrav iz Italii, take care too :)) Ciao,Diego
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