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Elfa Snape, 39 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2011
Hi my dear friend
am so happy to hear from you and we can be true friends.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2011
how are you?
am daniel from uganda and i want us to be friends.
hope to hear from you
Reply - Conversation - Dec 23, 2009
Thanks!season greeting.......
Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2009
hello Elfa :]
im willing to teach you chinese
so let me see can speak some simple chinese words
and how about little bit chinese grammar ?
coz you know ..we should get to know some grammar to make the sentence :)
oh,and what's taiwanese drama you have seen ?
inactive user
and Harajuku fashion is like this~ x33

Harajuku is placed in Tokyo ;3 It's famous cuz it's a city of Gothic-Lolita-Punk-V kei fashions x3 You can see lots of Gothic-Lolita girls and boys there x3
inactive user
Yeah !! I also want to ride a FAST VOLVO car~ *0*!! *sparkle,sorry Bella !! XDDD He's sometimes mine !!! *
Haha xDD the second Harry Potter is one of my favorites ^^ * Ron is poor~ X3 but cute !!

The friend lived in a small city really close to Italy ;3 and now she is at a dorm of Ljubljana xDD Oh where is Celje placed in Slovenia? x3 east? west?

Of course,I'll visit Slovenia during my youth times xDD !!
wanna see a Bostonija limestone cave x3

xoxo ... hmm... I guess it means Love-friendship for friends~ maybe !! x3 thanks!!
inactive user
Haha xDD !! I enjoy imaging how Edward drives his Volvo car~ XDD!! Poor Bella !!
(Oh,sorry I haven't read all the series of Twilight yet >.<;; Now I am reading the first one ^^ Edward will introduce Bella to his family !! :DD Aaagh it seems Alice is a kind girl x3 )
Yeah,I also love it ! XDD Rupert Grint often makes his face ...funny... or something D8 cuuute !!! *

She is now in Ljubljana,studying Japanology at uni with her great friends xDD (seems those people are really kind and addicted to ... Harajuku fashion xDD !)
Huhu yeah,at first you have to finish your high school ~ cheer up ! ^-^*

I am going to visit Europe including Slovenia~ but sadly ,I am still a student T_T you know,students' real job is not earning much money but studying hard for their own future...!!!
(but I work 4 days per a week as a private teacher after school ^,^*)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 2, 2009
I am cute, haha, maybe I have a baby face.
So, what about your country?
inactive user
Hej,Elfa !! ^-^*
Yeah,HP and Twilight are really fun to read !! x3 <3 Love Edward~ and Ron xD !! (Ron VS Edward... which will win? xDD Cheer up Ron !! )

Oh you are from Slovenija? ;3 that'S great !! I have one Slovenijan friend whom I met about two years ago ^^* She now studies about Japan at university~ and maybe she will come to Japan with her friend next year <3<3<3
I also want to visit Slovenija x3
Reply - Conversation - Dec 2, 2009
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