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Ross, 33 y.o.
Champaign, United States [Current City]


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Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 38.
inactive user
Hello, I'd like to talk to you if you want? Maybe we'll meet here? >>> (Copy the link in the browser). id on my website 2862526
Reply - Conversation - Mar 7, 2017
Russia is weird country? :)
inactive user
haha thats crazy! I wouldnt doubt if there was a Vice documentary on making those things! Ohhh ok but you do know some people who do so thats something!

hahaha i guess thats the perks of being brown/tan!
ohh my, yeahh it doesnt sound like youd tan well :( oh no! thats ok though, because it dont matter haha :D
inactive user
aww thanks bagels! If i could turn red or blush i totally would but im too brown/tan for that!

yes yes yes to the cookies!
inactive user
sayy what!? ohh i see i see! how naive of me! all those creeepy spoopy documentaries about the crop circles on history channel! ohh darn! thats really interesting though, you guys are pretty good :D
inactive user
okk thats good because its so stereotypical and cliche to associate creeepy horror movie stuff with corn fields haha!
waaait what!? how can you say that so casually 0.o really? hahah

you are very welcome Bagels haha! nahh im not cool, im just a dork just being myself on here haha

yes i wanna see the reaction on their faces when i ask! thank you! automatically death by cookies will be the best way to gooo!
inactive user
ohh thats right! Im sure there are tons of comic con videos on youtube and the interwebs in general!
wait, corn field? woah, thats pretty nice though! I mean, i think of children of the corn but i hope that is not the case when you talk about your place haha

aww ok ok! i was like, "i hope i didnt offend the guy" D:
nahh you look pretty cool in your pics and as we far that is haha

yes to nerdyness & quirkyness!

hhahaha thats hilarious! Im totally going to tell some one that and see if they believe meh :D
inactive user
aww i see! ive never been either but ive seen pictures soo yeah thats the extent of my comic con experience :D
hmm i think theyre everywhere haha
yesss im sorry! I didnt want you to thhink i thought you were nerdy! D:
im the one whos nerdy :(
yas thin mints are tasty! but those samoas tho....

yes so little time , so many wondrous sweeties that would lead to diabetes
inactive user
you are ever so welcome! have you ever gone to comic con in them? if not, you totally should! :D
yeah i figured, they looked not-store bought, which is even better!

yeahh i should get some type of sweetie to eat , good idea!
I KNO RIGHT? ugh snicker doodles are one of my favorites too, next to those girl scout cookies D:
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2016
haha, thank you! thank you very much! most of them were Halloween costumes actually. good times.

get some!
umm...YES!! i love snickerdoodles. they would also probably be my favorite if i had them at the moment.
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