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Kaja, 31 y.o.
Asheville, United States [Current City]
Kristiansand, Norway [Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Some college


Hotel Front Desk

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 146.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 27, 2015
Names with silent letters tease my brain!!
nice to meet you btw
inactive user
Hi :) Sorry for the late reply i dont really come on here often at the moment heheheh!! How are you then?
inactive user
Hey! Yeah, I love the Hitchiker's Guide - it really puts the universe into a good perspective - people think of it as some sort of godly creation or mysterious realm, but Douglas Adams just looks at the universe with such an amazing comedy perspective - his books have such an awesome outlook XD
inactive user
No worries! :)

Wow. You are so, so, so lucky. I hate living in England sometimes!!!!!

I bet it was amazing, wasn't it??
inactive user
knock knock! may i com to your world i bring no flower no gift. but wish to keep u fresh,love an care to keep your hart full of joy an happyness,prayers to keep you healthy and proction......on d way happy CRISTMASS IN AD VANCE
inactive user
Hey! I'm Rosie and I'm from England :)
I absolutely love your profile! Now I know that I'm not the only major Starkid nerd out there haha :D
And also Torchwood, Doctor Who, Being Human.. The bestest nerdiest shows, you're my kind of nerd!
Hope we can chat, or more appropriately, have long-winded conversations/rants about the pros and cons of each Starkid Production xD
Rosie :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2011
Heisann :) My name is David, I'm 15 and comes from your neighbouring state in the south (well, not South Carolina but Denmark :P) korleis har du det? :D
inactive user
I'm fine, thanks!
What convention? Haha, awesome, did you roll on the floor? :D
So how do you think of A Good Man Goes to War?
inactive user
hi ~~ Kaja :))
im owen , and im glad to heard you love Epik High too
inactive user
starkid and doctor who fans. yayyyyy!
hi my name is firda, how are you? :D
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