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Yu, 29 y.o.

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 242.
inactive user
I am fine and you?
inactive user
Thank you for visiting ~~
inactive user
ahaha Ronaldo è il migliore senza dubbio !xD saluti da Torino!!
inactive user
Fine and you ?
inactive user
Hi , nice to meet you too
inactive user
yea long time friend
how are you ??
inactive user
haha~ I already told you but I think also you're forgot ^^ I wanna be a french professor in Korea or maybe or elsewhere ^^ Oh thereThailand or Taiwan also it would be great :P
inactive user
wa~ you're really amazing but you're never tired to practise it ..? waouh~ I really hope for you that you can be a strong football player ^^
inactive user
Haha~ really you think that..?!! ^^
um~ and you practise it or not..? Sorry --' I forgot.. but really really longtime no see you..
inactive user
good good ~ I'm bored --' >.<
still fan of football...? ^^
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