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Ashwin_sandy, 44 y.o.
Bengaluru, India [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 23.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 26, 2009
Nenu нину премистунанну :*
Reply - Conversation - Sep 11, 2009
I am fine)
How are you? So long time we didnt talk...
inactive user
inactive user
hiya ash!
inactive user
Roosa is 6 years old. :) hah, roosa is so kind, she don't matter if we take few photos while she's eating ;D
inactive user
ha, tthanks :D
inactive user
yes, just like that ! :D
inactive user
it's covered with plastic, that the hay will survive over winter. yea, she is amazing :))
inactive user
it's okay, it doesn't look like it :D
inactive user
it's not white stone, it's a hay bale, which are covered with white plastic. hmm, i hope you understand what i mean :D
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