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Angelica, 36 y.o.
Badajoz, Spain [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 146.
inactive user
Para nada! Me parece genial hablar con alguien en el mismo idioma y tener algo en común! :):)
inactive user
I'd love to see your video work if it's ok 😊
inactive user
How was your weekend?
I am 29 y.o.
I'm working.
My work is accounting audit.
I am an auditor.
Spain time now am 04:55
Spain use time (GMT + 2)
Thailand time now here is am 9:55
So, Time difference about 5 hours.

I recently come back to Bangkok yesterday night. Today iwork in my office. I enjoyed my trip in Hong Kong, Macau and South China - Zhuhai.
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2015
our course! the story itself is really good :P I wish someone of my friends could learn something from it :P
I totally agree with you :) that music is just awesome! the 90's were awesome that bad thing is that I was just a little boy so I really didn't experience the 90's :P
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2015
hehe! do you like the ending music? - bittersweet symphony by the verve?
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2015
haha! I know I know :P
Don't forget what he has done in the end of the movie :P I know it's a movie probably in real life guys wouldn't do that shit
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2015
I was like Sebastian... but someone changed me when I tough that would be impossible.
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2015
that movie changed my life - Crueles intenciones
inactive user
Never mind:)
How was youd day?
Today i'm working at client office.
I think so Europe little expensive.
Tomorrow i will go to Hongkong.
inactive user
I hope so!!
I will tell you if i have chance to go to spain;)
I just arrived home.
Today is Friday;)
Very happy me!!
My holiday is coming!!!(>_<)!!!
Have a nice weekend;)
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