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Angelbaberose, 64 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 15.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 5, 2013
buenas noches va a Estoy muy contento de conocerte también estoy aquí para encontrar un serieus relación muy bonita J'M un artista que soy un buen hombre que respeta serieus mujer agradable j también aman la verdad gracias a su respuesta
Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2013
paul to many with same name mine is Liz Allen
Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2013
hi liz. Im. having. trouble. adding. you. to. facebook. could. you. send me a friend request so. you can be added facebook
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2010
hello how are you
inactive user
hello thank for your are you
what do you do
inactive user
thanks a lot my friend
inactive user
how are you
I am Roshan from sri lanka
inactive user
hello friend how are u am vody from west africa liberia. am a boy live by myselve i have a little sis and no mum and dad they was kill during the war.i saw ur profile and just like to know u and be a friend or son to u may god bless u, i live on the refugee camp in ghana.
inactive user
hya lovelly how are u doing?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 14, 2009
hello how are u doing today?? i hope everythings goes ok with u .iam one touareg men free men too living in desert under milions stars and one clear moon, i like to talk with good people around the world with difirente culture and tradicions, so would you dont mind please kindly write me more about you, your family and country and would you want to exchange your and family photos this is my private email ID;terrinoma­[email protected]­om, hope it will be easy to exchange more about us.
take care and god bless u
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