Alvaro, 32 y.o.
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12 years ago,
profile updated
3 years ago.
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Ps: 你的中文很好!
你中文非常好!!!讓我很驚訝! 但很抱歉,我沒有看過這本書.看了你的問卷內容,發現我能幫上忙的不多.不過有其他需要,歡迎跟我說!加油!艾驊''s pretty goood !cant believe you are reading her books ,i just read her book again,yes, i will answer all the questions !:)good luck !by the way , your Chinese is goood
很開心認識你喔 :D
很開心認識你喔 :D
Hola~~~ That's my pleasure!!!
I am surprised that you are choosing me to help me cuz y'know
actually not everyone in Taiwan read San Mao's writings even she prevailed in the 1980's in Asia. But very fortunately I like her writings very very much, so I read her writing's a lot. like
撒哈拉沙漠 奔走在日光大道 把快樂當傳染病 流浪的終站 稻草人的微笑
anyway I think it's a fate to help you.
I am surprised that you are choosing me to help me cuz y'know
actually not everyone in Taiwan read San Mao's writings even she prevailed in the 1980's in Asia. But very fortunately I like her writings very very much, so I read her writing's a lot. like
撒哈拉沙漠 奔走在日光大道 把快樂當傳染病 流浪的終站 稻草人的微笑
anyway I think it's a fate to help you.
Ok,no problem.and I really enjoy her work,do you know a song called橄欖樹,it's a song based on her story "olive tree"I really live that song,you can have a listen on youtube
hey!艾驊,你的中文很棒! 這是你研究的題目嗎?方便的話再讓我知道詳細用途。如果沒其他考量的話,我很樂意幫忙。
We can use facebook talk about "Love of Lesbian"
I've added you! :3
I've added you! :3
Hello my friend :) Greetings from Sarajevo!
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