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Celine, 31 y.o.
Wenatchee, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 4009.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 12, 2015
great music taste!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 12, 2015
Ah, I see. :^D
I'm alright, just sorta bored.
How are you? How have you been? ;v;
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2015
You're back !!! :^D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 21, 2013
heeeey how are you? do you rmember me? :D
Reply - Conversation - Feb 13, 2013
Ha, again I'm super late! -.-

Yes, I really moved here! :D In the mornings I go to language school and in the afternoon I do part time jobs! :) I feel quite good here! :)

Háha, I see! How's college? What subject did you decide for?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2013
as of right now, i do too, i've been hungry the whole day
and coincidentally we're talking about food at this exact moment
come to think of it, isnt it extraordinary that we do what we do when we do it? i dont know how else to explain it haha, but it was awesome inside my head

a lot of people are like that, but i personally dont understand why
the way i see it, if you dont exist then you just dont exist
no worry, no pain, but no other things that make life good either
which is why i accept the fact that death is inevitable
eeh, i was just thinking about the subject that day, got really deep into it too, and then decided what im going to do from there

haha thats the name, Middlesex Community College, Middlesex is a place
psychology, interesting, i've always wanted to actually learn about that along with philosophy
a language course would be interesting too, but i lost interest in japan a while ago, french would be nice, french is just sexy
haha well, the plan is to study computer science, but honestly i had a lot of professions in mind
hell, i would do nursing, hospital nursing preferably, not old people nursing, that would be bullshit
inactive user
so what if it isn't normal, being normal is booriiinggg .
and I guess it's okay if he borrows tank tops and jeans.. at least he's not wearing your dresses and skirts :') if you have any cos i actually dont lol.
hahahaha oh if my brother said that to me i would just slap him

haha you think so? I can do a posh british accent after going to school with posh kids for 2 years --_-- but my accent is just bleh. i don't even know . it's like north west london accent..just normal.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2013
hahah XD

oh i will! i try to remember >< i'm so forgetful sometimes..

ok :D i hope you'll find it!

true. I'm kinda like your brother then :) i don't know what i want to do either XDD being an illustrator would be nice though (but it can be difficult and hard work)! yeah i have stuff to do so i won't be bored c:

ohh i see! haha
i can be so stubborn too T T; and sometimes my dad pisses me off too. but i also can't stay mad for long XDD not even a day lol

awh >< but eating healthily is important...i hope you don't really annoy them :s
lol XDDD

that's too bad T_T even though it means i win XD but is that really a good thing either?? lol
good idea!:D i might do that ♥ i still have time to think as my hair grows so slowly = =; at least it feels like it!
ok :D haha, no need to hurry~ kinda does :___D i think i understand what you mean XD i don't know how to talk to boys either ><

i had a party with my friends :D some of them i haven't seen in ages! so it was nice ^^ drinking and talking~
i was so tired on Sunday though = = i didn't sleep much lol
how about yours?
inactive user
Hi. Al salam u alakum. Hope u r fine and whats up? But i m still looking to bite something special. Haha. Reply via message
Reply - Conversation - Feb 1, 2013
i hope so too haha

amen to that, i mean, yeah food is awesome
there was this sauce that i had at a family thing at some fancy chinese cuisine place, apparently called parrot skin? why? because they shredded up parrot skin and mixed it with some sorta liquid
anyway, it tasted like bland sugary thick milk, and it was ok
i have a bit of an addictive personality i suppose? so i dont try anything new, and that parrot skin sauce didnt impress me, so i stuck with friggin soy sauce

i feel like thats pretty accurate, BUT you have to remember that old people are still people but old, and i could talk about all sorts of stuff from there, but i'll skip to where i say that people obviously have different personalities, which means that they obviously like different things, WHICH MEANS that some old people according to certain circumstances might actually want to die, while others might actually be happy too
but honestly, predict yourself at such an old age, i myself decided that i'd just want to die if i was old
chances are, half the people you ever knew is dead or about to
dont want to sound depressing, but its the solid truth
in fact, i just came to terms with that earlier today
i'd love to regale you with how i may or may not be the blacksheep and/or twisted, but i feel like i already talk a lot haha

its not middlesex, boys and girls of all type attend that college
aand what are you studying?
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