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Alex, 34 y.o.
Barcelona, Spain [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 174.
inactive user
Hello! :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 23, 2011
long time no see.
did u visit your country?
i heard that u were planning to go to korea~
Reply - Conversation - Dec 14, 2010
Glad to know that you're interested in Korea&Korean, conversely i'm very interested in Spain, although my university major is Czech i'm also learning some Spanish in my free time and gonna take classes at school. I think it is a very promising language used very widely all over the world. Probably i'm gonna go to Europe and study in the near future, after i get there i'll definately visit Spain! i've got one friend from Malaga, not only because of it, i've heard many times that Malaga is a very famous place known to tourists from all over the world, so i want to visit there once in a lifetime. i'm sure my dream will come true soon.
I've also started to listen to Spanish music these days, i really liked the music of 'pignoise', 'El Canto del Loco' and 'Enrique Iglesias',
I should tell you one thing here in advance, lately i'm a little bit busy with school so probably i may not able to come to this site very often, but i'm almost online on facebook, if you have an account on there, i think we can contact each other more easily, i leave my facebook adress here in order that i can let you know my adress :!/prahaholic
If you dont have facebook, then it's also Okay to talk here^^i dont mind at all
Have a nice day^^
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2010
öhmm .. hola hola holaho? :D
did you practise German greetings? hehehe :D
whoa spain ö___ö .. is it warm there right now?
inactive user
Nice to meet you:D
inactive user
i'm many interested in spain cause i like football
do you like football?
inactive user
Yup it's [email protected]

inactive user
I'll go to 고려대학교 :):) maybe we can meet, as I'll be there for a year! Let's keep in touch until then then!
inactive user
Heyy Alex! kk 뭐하고 지내?? I can't login MSN !! I don't know about reason x_x i wanna talking with you !! TT So sad :( 한국 오면 선물 줄게 ㅋㅋ miss you ㅋㅋ
inactive user
Wow maybe we can meet then! I'll be in 서울 for one year, as it's part of my degree :) (in the UK most foreign language degrees require one year of study abroad). What's your degree subject? There seem to be many foreigners going to 서울 this year jeje it's so exciting!
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