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Iqin, 31 y.o.
Klang, Malaysia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 167.
inactive user
عيد مبارك
i wish you a blessed Eid and may allah accept your fasting and prayers ^^
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2011
I'm sorry!!!!
I was too late to reply :<
I realized, too busy in school and could not answer a message...
How have you been?
I was busy going to school kk..
There are many school events this week~
I now try to stop inteopal!
But again, you still want to connect with messages
So i'm about to e-mail messages?
inactive user
mai La Umah ada Kisses,Daim Mars,Cloud 9 Toblecrone..etc..:P..:P
InshaAllah Bila Umur Panjang..X)..
HahhaXD Boleh Sajaaaa...;)..
inactive user
Amin~~..No biggie Dear..;)
Aahh I see..All the Best..Ak buat apa2 pown ..tsk tsk..(T_T)V
heheh..kalao selalu Sangat leh Sakit Jiwa..Soo Ak diam atau lari..mwheheXD~~
bleh la..Sebab Pegi ramai2..Serabut2..=,=! Seyes tak moh pgi dah kalo buat rombongan..=,=~
beli Coklat Bnayk..mwhahahXD~~
inactive user
HahahXD 1 Malaysia Punya..Ak Doakan Semoga Hang Dpat..Aja2 Hwaiting..~Weyh Hang AMik Lesen Dak?
mwhahahaXD Ni Masa Depan Wello~~XD~~ Abang ak Yang no 2 Tuh aSyik Berletiaq Ja..meluat ak Dngaq..Grrr..o(-_-)0...
Heheh..Besa2 Ja..LetIh Gile..Best MemBeli BelaH la..=,="...Tak Pi Mana2 Pown..
Uisshh..Mestila..Tuh Wajib..Mak Ak Nyaris2 Kne Tangkap ngan Kastam..mwhahahXD~~
inactive user
heheh....:P..Sorry ak taktau..Wishes You the best dearie..Hang Amik Mara Ka JPa?..
Ntah la..tapi ak nak amik Matrik dulu...Still kna bincang ngan family dulu..=,=!
heheh..Ak pgi Langkawi..Sehari Jalan2..Ctuh..Mak ak Buat rombongan..mwhahaXD~~
inactive user
hehehe..XD..Dah Lama dah ha! cecite cecite..:P Dpat Interview ape?
Ak Dpat Medical Uni Kat Indon + interview kat Cucms....tapi tak pgi pown..Ak cadang amik Matrik kot heheh..
hang Camna Plak?..Kalo ada Brita baik gtau sama..

AAh Kedah Hujan gak tiap2 hari tapi tak sampai banjir lagi...:P..Ni pown tgah glap nih...
Ha..tau..Ak Pi Kuala Perlis Aritu...Penuh aYaq..=,='..hahahXD
inactive user
Tak buat apa2 Pown JalaN2 Kat Fb+Baca Manga....
hahahaXD RinDu GaK kat hang..:P..:P
Buat aPa Lani...Hujan daK Kat SaNa?
inactive user
nice to meet ya
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2011
mne ade wat pape...cme chat ngan kwn....XD
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