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Agghie, 35 y.o.
Tegucigalpa, Honduras [Current City]

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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 65.
inactive user
Aggie, did you get your video game you wanted? Harvst moon? Is is as good as you expected? I hope so...
Reply - Conversation - Oct 14, 2007
cool pic! ^_^ want to be friends?
inactive user
OH, lol ok :D i didnt think I would be missed so much..<3
inactive user
i\'m good! just enjoying the day and stuff. whats sweden like???
inactive user
titanic is such a tragic movie it made me cry loool i felt bad because the piece of wood should have saved them both! ^_^ how are you??
Reply - Conversation - Aug 27, 2007
oh nice to meet u
i really want to know where lauren is..
tell me ur MSn
will chat with u
inactive user
Aggie...thank you! ^_^

I am glad tha you are fine. What have you been up to latley?
inactive user
Actually Aggie..we are going to meet. When he comes out here to the USA he will be right by I will go see him. That is in a few months...and i am just about tosend him a letter now~ im writing it out..he just game me his address X____x

Well, how are you? ^_^ good I hope
inactive user

I thought you still loved him..sorry~
Well...wish us luck then, my Aggie ^^
inactive user
:3 I am good..I hope you arent upset at me..
Jack and I are a couple now..and I hope you arent mad! please please please sont be upset!~

Aggie! I hope you are ok!
See you soon!~
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