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Amy, 64 y.o.
Yokohama, Japan [Current City]

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Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 38.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 28, 2018
Reply - Conversation - Oct 30, 2017
Hello Akiko!!! And Happy Birthday (a little late). I'm sorry I didn't write sooner...We just had an unexpected visit from my cousin who lives in Washington D.C. We had not seen him for many years so we enjoyed reconnecting. Many other activities going on as well, during the past few weeks. I hope you had a wonderful birthday and that you are doing well!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2017
We did get part of the hurricane. Fortunately it had calmed down before it got to my area. There was a lot of trees that fell and tree limbs that fell. I appreciate your concern. :) I did lose electricity for a day and some people didn't have electricity for a few days. It was also hard to get gas since the gas stations kept running out or had no electricity to run the gas pumps.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2017
I need to add those places to my "Places to see in Japan" list hahaha. I plan to make Japan a yearly trip every year. I want to get to see ALL of Japan. I am in Love with Japan and it's culture and history. Ever since I was a little girl :).. I heard of Akihabara before. I will ask my son if it's one of the places he is interested in. :).
inactive user
At the beginning it wasn't easy. Misty used to hiss and growl at Simba. Of course it was understandable Misty being in a new home with people and cat she didn't know. It lasted only a few days though as they're getting along fine now. They like to chase each other around. No more hissing or growling!
How are Lili and Lulu getting along?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2017
Yes, I wanted to see Kyoto very much but I got sick and had to go back to U.S. early. I am going back but this time I am going to Osaka, Tokyo, Kyoto. I will try to see if I can go to Yokohama but I have to go to Ikebukuro because my son wants me to take pictures of the city of Ikebukuro (He loves Anime and there is a particular Anime that he loves so much and it is based on Ikebukuro). But I want to visit the many shrines in Kyoto definitely :)
inactive user
I have two cats. Simba, the one on my profile picture, who is almost 9 years old and Misty the little tabby we adopted in March who must be around 1 and 1/2 years old.
inactive user
I like having my cats around. They are always near. Always curious to see what I'm up to. I enjoy playing with them too.
What I like the most is when they come on my lap purring and cuddling...:)
inactive user
No need to apologize!
I'm glad you enjoyed your day out for your mother's birthday.
I'm sure your cats were fine staying at home!:)
By the way what are their names?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 13, 2017
I'm sorry that my reply to your message was delayed. But Aug 12 is my mom's birthday.
We went to nice restaurant for my mom without cats! haha!
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