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Luna, 35 y.o.
Granada, Spain [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 310.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 9, 2009
Hi ~~~ I would like to be friend with you !!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 9, 2009
Hola Luna~~♥ :D

Mucho gusto en conocerte.

Me llamo LEE Chang-Woo. Mi nombre es Chang-Woo y mi apellido es LEE. Tengo 19 años y soy de Busán, Corea. Mi cumpleaños es 20 de enero de 1989. Vivo en Busán.

Soy estudiante en Universidad de Lengua Extranjeras de Busán( Estoy estudiando español. Soy grado 1º en aquí.

My hobbies are traveling, swimming, taking pictures, language, etc. Besides I want to learn scuba diving.

Hablo coreano, inglés y un poco español. Mi español no está buena....
inactive user
hehe :D
cause, Korea is winter now. :S I hate cold weather!
We have 2 vacation..
One is summer vacation. ( july~august)
other is winter vacation. (december~febrary)
vacation ends is(only my school but other school similar) 3 Feb.
umm, and new semester starting is March !
I'm become highschool 3 Grade :0
It is hard to express in English. Do you understand my English?
hehe, Anyway..:) !!
well, I love Write a letter! ^^
and I don't know Spanish , but someday I will learn it!
I heard Spanish is easy to Korean.XD ♥
Hee hee ~ Korea is 8:57 am now.
I do not know the time difference with Spain. umm..
maybe, I think now Spain is late night!
inactive user
good luck on your exams!!
my day was boring, i was supposed to sing at a cafe but the weather is bad =/
i hope you found some good books!!!! =P
inactive user
ha ha it was great i have exams in a little bit....i wish u luck on those....marry me please lol jk jk your the first girl who i have ever heard say that
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8, 2009
Hola! ^^
My day was good, just a little bit tiring because I had a long classes' day today. Hmm okay... just try to not be very nervous and if you need to study harder I guess you should do it. ;D
By the way, I know that you maybe have already told me, but if you did I don't remember: what are you studying at university?
Okay, I didn't know that you like to read... but that is really a good pastime, but I don't really like to read. ;P
Oh yeah, that really makes sense, I have never thought in that way. :D
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8, 2009
I have several activities:
Analise & Prepare Scrypts, create storyboards, sugestions about music & visual.
Is a big world where you must know several topycs and mix all together.
(you you wish, ask me more details about this job)
inactive user
Polish traditions for Xmass? Before we start Chrismas dinner, we're waiting for first star. Just then we're starting Xmass dinner. On a table under table cloth we need to have hay. People, who will take out the longest hay stalk, will have much luck in the next year. Later we're eating twelve dishes. Our traditional dishes are for example:
-poppy-seed cake (delicious)

-carp (I do not know nothing more about how it should be prepared, because in my house there is no tradition of eating carp, but general in Poland this tradition is very common)

-stewed prunes (i hate them ;)

-fish in greek style (I've heard, that in Greece people do not know about this dish.

-borstch (beet soup) with ears (some kind of dumplings)

We're also wishing each other Merry Christmas, and breaking with each other wafer.

There is tradition, to leave a free place in the table for unexpected traveler.

Later we're going to Church for "Pasterka"​ (I do not know how it should be in English, probably something like sheepherd mass).

At first day of Christmas there is also tradition, that first visitor in each house should be a man- it brings good luck, if it will be woman, it brings bad luck.

About fiestas in Spain. You have also pretty cool traditions (Where is fiesta, when You're buliding Papper town, and burning it (or something like it- I do not remember well)

What have You got from Three Kings?
We don't get presents for Three Kings :(
inactive user
It was okay. Things could of gone better, but what can you do? Lol
Shopping? I like shopping. Though sometimes I like to enjoy going for new clothes (because choosing a new book is always difficult for me). What kinds of books do you read?
Yes, hablo espanol.
inactive user
omg !! u read a lot of books !! so you into history too ? So what subjects u taking at the university ? So have u been out of spain ?

I love travelling to ....:)
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