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Addie, 37 y.o.
Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 12.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2008
Heya! Im not a short tempered person. Im pretty patient and can handle most things. I only go crazy if something big has happened but otherwise I keep pretty quiet. Yup I am good at keeping secrets and stuff. Many of my mates tell me things just cause I listen so I guess you could say they trust me a lot.
Anyway, Hows it going with you? I must go now, Im leaving for school soon and have to get ready.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 16, 2008
Hey! Sorry bout the long reply, I dont have access to the internet at school so I can only reply in the weekends. That sounds like an awesome career and Ive never been to Nelson but ive heard its a great place!
I guess I am a pretty focussed person but there are the times when I can be really... crazy, just like everyone. I was never going to be a mechanic I don't think. My father used to be so he taught me a few things that I need to know. My weekend was great. Im back at boarding school again and so its fun to be with my friends all week and then partying some weekends.
Anyway, have to go now.
inactive user
Thanks to you...:)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2008
Hey! Yup Im still at school. I've only got one more year to go and then Im off to university. I go to a boarding school about three hours away from my home. I only work in the weekends when I come home and all holidays, which it is now.Its alright working like that but Im going to get a job where my school is so I get a little bit more money. Where abouts do you work?
Im working towards a career in psychology or something like that although I can never make up my mind. I wanted to be a mechanic before, that would be awesome but my family won't let me.
Oh well

Anyway, gotta run.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 5, 2008
Hey! I don't have any up-to-date pics of me at the moment. As soon as I do, I'll upload it.
Im blackish, Ive got maori, norwegian,english/irish and Indian in me! I have what we call Olive skin, but it makes my friends jealous.
I don't know why I don't like girly things, I do like some things but there are some, like shopping and make-up etc., that I don't have the time or patience for, unless its a special occasion. Im always doing something and on the go so doing things that I reckon are a waste of time seem pointless. And since I live and work on a farm, theres really no point in dressing up and putting makeup on.
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Must go, Im babysitting.
Catcha Later
inactive user
it is not about the church building. it is about the believers that make it up. it is about where their hearts are. it is about where your heart is. even if you are not going to a church, you can still love those who need to be loved, study the bible, share the good news of the gospel, repent when you fall into sin, have communion daily, and pray fervently. be strong and of good courage.

with love, folias
Reply - Conversation - Oct 3, 2008
Hey!! Hows it going?
=D Thanks, Yup thats my real name, it's short for Natalie, but Im only called that by my sister and when Im in trouble.
I live in Palmerston North, about five minutes out. Palmerston North is two hours away from Wellington, in the North Island. There are six children in my family, Im the second born but my older sister doesn't really act like shes older, so Im often called the oldest. There are two girls, then three boys then another girl.
I live on a farm so I guess you could say that I like anything thats to do with the farm, and i HATE the city, and most things stereotypical girls like, as in shopping and make-up etc.

Anyway, have to go. Bye!
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Oct 2, 2008
you mean the car in the background of my picture?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 2, 2008
Hello Addie. Thank you for writing on my wall. I would like to get to know you too. You seem like a very nice person :) What kind of things do you like to do other then soccer? Do you like it where you live?

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