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Abdallah, 37 y.o.
Alexandria, Egypt [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 3083.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 9, 2015
Enjoying pieces of watermelon and 'the serenity', and scratching my 'nads' - like the man at The Glen Hotel - which apparently has been deemed 'socially acceptable' as I have had no reply to having that man banned from the hotel at meal times# As a man, I found it unacceptable, and should have asked the barman to ask this man to desist from 'scratching his 'nads' at the hotel, as it represented an affront to members of the public who were eating their lunch, when we were eating our lunch on New Years Eve# it is a joy eating watermelon in summer# But never buy it from a supermarket =seems less expensive from the farmer by the roadside at Peak Crossing# Remember to catch my updates on Facebook - not always accurate, but entertaining# Regards, Melonhead - ha ha ha# Hope that you're modifying your behaviour# #B#F#Skinner = controlled behaviour modification = educator# .
Reply - Conversation - Apr 12, 2013
Greaaaaaaaaaaat,thanks :D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 31, 2013
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey bro! What's up?!
inactive user
I'm fine.and you?
inactive user
hii, im great, thx
and u?
inactive user
roshdy u ??
inactive user
wow DJ ?!!? 7elw gedan !! :D am Aya :D
nice to meet u too bedo :D
inactive user
ohhh :S bgd 7aram 3ali bey3melo kda !! Ana odamna kan fi kalb wolf to7fa kda f geneina odamna kda so nas ramoulou sem w tant betfta7 el shebak la2eito mayet w a3adet tesawat w kda w odamna fi 3emara ana kalby 7atah fl balkona sama3nahom mara bey2olo enohom 3ayzin yemaweto kalbeti 3shan betnba7 then ektashafo el7amdolellah en kalbet el geran heya el betenba7 not mine !! Bs bgd bgd rabena yente2em men eli by3melkda
inactive user
oh my god !! :S :O eih eli 7asalo ??? :S i mean motet rabena wala ??
Reply - Conversation - Apr 24, 2012
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