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Cindy , 32 y.o.
Berlin, Germany [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 942.
inactive user
Hello :)
How are you ?
inactive user
Touche about your status! It's soo true...
Anyway I'm from NZ and after stumbling upon your profile thought I would say Hi!! Well I'd totally recommend coming down here to NZ, it's such a beautiful country and I'm happy to give you advice or help you out in any way!
I'm also learning german so would love to have more german friends!
Hope to hear from you! Have a great day! :)
inactive user
Hello how are you ? :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2012
Okay :) Do you like hobbies? I am like hobby is computer games, listening classical music, and reading books.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2012
I am fine! Now weather is clear and sunny! :)
Nice to meet you ^^ my name is Sangmin Park, I am 20 years old.
I am college student and studying from computer and communications. born in January 12, 1993. and you?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2012
Hello, Cindy! How are you doing? ^^
inactive user
Hallo,wie geht's?
inactive user
well depends on what of australia your going to go.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2011
Zuerst, Vielen dank fuer deine Antwort.

Ich glaube Muenchen ist gut auch :D, aber ich weiss nicht, ich bin nach Deutschland nicht gegangen.
Ich lerne Deutsch und ich hatte ein Stipendium bekommen :D
also werde ich für 20 Tage im Sommer kommen.
Ich habe noch Europa nicht besucht, Deshalb moechte ich in europaeische Laender besuchen diesen Sommer.

Tut mir leid meine Sprache ist nicht so gut ^^,
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2011
ich bin gut danke
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