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Andrea, 41 y.o.
Clarksville, United States [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 54.
inactive user
Hello! Hows life treating ya? Nice to hear from you again :)
inactive user
Heya! Yeah sorry its been a while, but you know how it gets, been frantic lately :(
Hows things, been keeping outta trouble I hope?!
inactive user
hi pretty how are u ? hope that u're okiiiiiiiiiii
my name is Simo and am a tour guide in Morroco. nice to meet you .we can be friends if you want.
best wishes

Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2010
can we be friend!!!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 26, 2010
hallo ahy hapy to see you you looking so good ok telk with me ...
inactive user
I *think* its the last ones, Revolutions? I'm only keeping half an eye out now, mainly when the girl in the tight outfit thing comes on, big surprise!
I'm not great with a lot of films to be honest, I'm not good at paying attention, so after 45 minutes or so I'm drifting off! I got the same with Fight Club btw, so your not alone!
inactive user
Haha! Yeah I am actually! Watching one of the Matrix films, but I don't get it and I'm confused. Now theres a first! :p
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2010
Kein Problem
Reply - Conversation - Apr 9, 2010

Write me something in German. I want to know how much I remember.

Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2009
Hey there!
much greetings from Germany. Hope your husband will come back well.
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