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Eddie, 37 y.o.
Mesa, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
inactive user
wow ! that cool~

I hope to see you in Thailand ^^
Reply - Conversation - Mar 19, 2011
Funnily enough, it's a shirt that is pretending to be Links cap from The Legend of Zelda series... Gotta love those tricks of the camera =D
inactive user

yes Thailand is nice place and nice people(me) ha ha~
Reply - Conversation - Mar 18, 2011
Heh, it's not green hair at all =D Though I have had green hair before...
Reply - Conversation - Mar 16, 2011

I are awesome? Really? Greatnesssss!!!

Yeah, I agree with you. Your profile could do with some energy. I must say though, your personal description made me laugh a bit. Big words in person, etc. I know someone who's like that so I have an idea of what you mean.

inactive user
Its a cool nickname in my opinion! Unique! Zangoof :D

As for Boogsin, haha I got that when I was sixteen from some of my friends. I can't even remember the joke properly now but it was something silly with all of us getting names and I got stuck with Boogsin. Most people call be Boogs or Boogie now though :) And I like it, its unique, even my sister calls me Boogs now haha!

How are you? how's your day so far?
inactive user
Hahah hey!! Its the effort that counts! And you just may be interesting to me! :O

Hello :) How are you? Why the name Zangoof, its so cool to say out loud XD
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2011
I wouldn't be surprised if you passed it up. It's right on I-45
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