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YupiQuinn, 30 y.o.
Zadar, Croatia [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 622.
inactive user
Long time no see, how have you been doing?
inactive user
omg ignoriraj ovoga kineza doli ispod
lik je lud
ko kineski turak

inactive user
Hey, how are u? I was suppose to say more to you, but Hiko told me that I can't. So see ya : P
Reply - Conversation - Dec 25, 2009
merry christmas ;)
inactive user
thats COolllll !!
im jealous u guys !! haha cuz im single now.... im enjoying being a single .. but u know christmas is coming so i feel just lonely i have to make one !!! :DDD
inactive user
haha ! thats sooo swetttt !!! i envy u !!!
so how long do u guys have relationship ??
inactive user
yaa i no !!
i miss u sooo much ~~~
im pretty food u know today is friday !!! Yeahhhhhhhh,,,.....
inactive user
heyy !!
such a longtime w/o talk !
so how have u been ???
inactive user
onlajn si i tuuu
progonit cu teee
ja sam back ovdje
al mi nitko ne pise
cak sam i profil preuredila
pisi mi ! XD
inactive user
that's nice ^^
my classmates are driving me crazy!
today we had to draw our comic ready, and I said to her'Don't touch this picture I will colour it later.' Few minutes pased and she coloured it.. Violet pants and brown shirt... It was terrible! xD
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