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Yumi, 33 y.o.
Yokohama, Japan [Current City & Hometown]



Looking for

Language practice

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1773.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 17, 2020
I like travelling also. Hopefully, could visit Japan someday :D
inactive user
inactive user
Oh you like Bump of chicken and radwimps nice :) nice presentation by the way
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2016
Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a nice day today.
inactive user
わたしは タイ人です。
inactive user
inactive user
no I have never been there :( but my friends do say the amusement parks here in southern california are really fun!
inactive user
Ohhh, you're doing such a nice job. When I was in Japan I saw many nice girls like you. I said "nice" because they are polite and kind when you're doing check-in and I was glad to be treated like an important person :D I was relieved.

Of course I will come, there is a panoramic wheel at Yokohama and I wish to come there very very soon! there is also a US Navy base, so I wish to see some US Navy ships :D

Rome and venice?? so you are a romantic type of person..ahhaha...Usually Japanese girls like Venice also for this's a very beautiful and romantic place! :D
inactive user
Hi Yumi, thank you for passing by my profile.
And thumbs up for you because you're living in a beautiful place of Japan, althought I never went there yet :)

And your job at airport looks like....customs or reception? ^^
Anyway if you want to go in Italy, which place do you like to visit the most? :P I can guess Rome! :D

Nice to meet you anyway! ^^
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