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Lisa Oaks, 40 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 79.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19, 2010
Reply - Conversation - Jul 18, 2010
hi hows you??
Reply - Conversation - Dec 19, 2009
soory what do you want about me ?:::
inactive user
Oh i see, so it's hard times for Americans, In my opinion U.S government covers up many many things, like bilderberg group, Skulls and Bones, yea, UFO too, from 1947 Roswell or even earlier. Sadistic, but don't You think that after 9/11, they have possibility to attack Iraq? second thing was that Hussein had a chemical weapon and biology weapon, but they didin't find my opinion they do that cause they want enormous amounts of rock-oil in Iraq, like now they are probably taking the same thing from Afganistan. For me there is too many thing that not-fit to each other. Did You see film Loose Change 9/11? or any other non main stream media film about it? Check it if not, + film Money As Debt
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2009
OMG! It is so sad how many credit cards each american has. We so live on credit cards. Jobs are getting hard to find because there isn't much money these days to be hiring people. I honestly believe that 9/11 was terrorist thing. Not a government thing. I think that the government only covers up conspiracies like UFOs and stuff like that. It seems sadistic for our government to do a terrorist attack thing
inactive user
You should see it:) so you are saying that economy in USA isn't feel good? Less jobs? money? i heard that Americans live on credit, is that true? So You are saying that 9/11 was truly terrorist attack? not govenment inside job?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2009
I haven't seen that Obama film... didn't even know there was one out. Damn government is spending money on stupid shit that isn't going to help us out of this hell of an economy. I don't think the government has anything to do with the muslam terrorist thing...
inactive user
And what about government after 9/11? I mean, does people believe in this government history about muslam terrorist? or believe that this was inside job? I saw some films which was famous in U.S, but i don't know how information about conspiracy theorist are spreading there.You see film "Obama deception"? great film if you dont see it you should:) Yea, i heard that FED is making economy worse and worse, U.S dolar for me will probalby collapse , it's only matter of time i think. So what conspiracy theoris about UFO you've got? :)
inactive user
Hey, I'm glad to hear that in U.S there is some ppl who are interested in cospiracy theories cause many of them is about USA:P How looks life after 9/11 in USA? or after Obama get president? there are no rumours there?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 6, 2009
give me joke again please.
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