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Yaakoubii, 33 y.o.
Agadir, Morocco [Current City]


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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 38.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 19, 2011
yes I feel bored bored, it is a little bizarre but the routine break my TETE

inactive user
You've got a lot of work and you feel bored? :D
hahaha I miss u too.
inactive user
heeey :D yeah, it was a very very good holiday. :) did you enjoy your holiday?
inactive user
ça va merci et toi?
Je suis pas en vacances :/ Je suis pas dans une école marocaine.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2011
hello :)
i don't celebrate it , cause i was in the company, and we have so much work haha ... so did you celebrate it ? with familly or friends ?

i just want to bite some one ( YOU ) haha
inactive user
I see:) I'm always close interpals...:)
Did you "celebrate" the Earth's hour? :))
inactive user
Nice.. Je serais pas chez moi ce weekend, jespere que j'arriverai à temps pour voir le match. Je comptais le voir avec ma meilleure amie qui est Algérienne mais bon.. Dommage! :/
Non non pas joueuse de tennis. J'envisage une carrière diplomatique, ou encore d'aviation.. Et toi?
inactive user
booooooooooo!! haha
inactive user
Ohh sorry...:/
I'll try to be online more times :)

Okay ^^ You too :)
inactive user
Heloo:D I'm very well, thanks.
And you?:)
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