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金允瀞, 34 y.o.
Tonghae, South Korea [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 599.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2011
Hello how are you?? Hope to chat with you soon miss chatting with you TT_TT..

Do you have smartphone maybe we can KaKao talk okkk okkk ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2011
same as u, it's raining for 3 days that made me pretty borring
i need the sunshine now hahahaha
Reply - Conversation - Jul 14, 2011
how r u now? ^^
it's very very long time no c

what's the weather in ur country, rian?
inactive user
기타 많이 치면 손 안 예뻐져 바보야ㅎㅎ
Reply - Conversation - Nov 4, 2010
Hello Yun
how are you?
its long time..sorry :(
anyway today was a so sunny day,i walked on harbor just for enjoy
and take a drink ^__^
I hope you have time to enjoy too !!
inactive user
손가락 안 아파? ㅎ
Reply - Conversation - Oct 24, 2010
Annyeong ;)
If you sleep with your roomie ,you don't need the electric pad :)
But sure it must be so comfortable and now more and more
with cold nights :D
I speak only french and english..shame ^^
i would like learn korean but i need some courage !
How is your weekend?
inactive user
화이팅 ㅎㅎㅎ
도전해 보도록 해!
inactive user
어디서나온지는 잘 모르겠지만..
처음에 기타 배울때 치던 곡이니까 칠만할거야~!
inactive user
like wind 를 검색해보렴 : )
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