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Josh Wells, 34 y.o.
Perth, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 4 of 4.
inactive user
i'm ffffiiiiiinnnnneeee! lol !=D
hyper and i have a brain freeze lol.. had a rocket ice lolly!=D

london is ok too lol .. just a soft breeze haha..! =D..i wanna sn bathe but there's no sun! =D

yeah a lot of people wanna come here... there are a lot of aussie's that come to visit lol =D
i wanna go to australia lo.. and learn how to surf lol!=D
inactive user
hey! i'm anisa from london
and i was just passing by and you seemed really cool lol! =D
so i'm here ! i guess .. when u come to an unfamiliar place u can see a familiar friends if we can be lol! =D

so how are you is beautiful australia...

and peace! x!
inactive user
Hey im tanai how r u? Thats so awesum that ur in a band, im planning on joining/ starting a band next year!!! Anyways just thought id say hi xx
inactive user
I spent 3 days with Johnny & June C. Cash. The movie portrayal was dead on from my own experience those 3 days. Spent time with CSNY, and other 60s 70s bands/ singers in the course to my job.
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