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WeAllbleedRed, 35 y.o.
Konstanz, Germany [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 48.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 20, 2013
no im in herne its in the ruhrgebiet near dortmund and bochum .. you know? konstanz is about 600 km away from me
Reply - Conversation - Jan 2, 2013
Hey man whats up .. i read you was in amsterdam . the next time und say me that you going to fly high than i came to amsterdam too or we travel together ;D
inactive user
danke fur dein foto comment! : )

feel free to comment on mein German foto's anytime! : )
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2012
i can imagine that (:
yea, i'm studying here, grafisch design. i also got a job in a local store.
last summer i visit a friend in canada and we drove all the way down to new york, which was pretty awesome. actually i want to live so many places in the world :D how are you doing?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2012
Thanks for your message.
inactive user
Hope you'll have a great weekend too mister :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2012
hee! ;) you're welcome!
how was the netherlands, did you liked it? (:
inactive user
Thank you, Merry Christmas to you, too! =)
Yup, that's exactly what I mean.. and over here... even if it's their fault, they'll give you their weirdest look and make you feel like it's your own fault. =/
Wo arbeitest du denn?
Ich weiss noch nicht, ich muss erstmal mein Studium beenden und dann schaue ich, was danach kommt. Auswandern wöllte ich nicht fuer immer, glaube ich, aber man soll ja niemals 'nie' sagen! ;)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 25, 2012
Yea man, I like the life here better, but I miss the people. Same thing.
I live 2 seconds from Bielefeld, but i'm closer to Hamm, and Dortmund than Oberhausen. I've been to Koeln a few times though, loooove it there. I'll see what I can do man, i'd definitely like to take part in that! And nope, no Gluehwein today haha
inactive user
Oohh yeah I think so too :) There are quite a few different cultures in the Netherlands, so I believe people are quite open-minded, although it's been changing a little lately.

It's great that you like Germany so much. I've been there quite a few times, since I live very very close to Germany.

I think I'll answer your question in the message, cause I just noticed you sent me a message too, haha
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