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PATRICIA, 75 y.o.
Tickfaw, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Meeting in person
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 44.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 20, 2018
Hello, Nice to meet you here, iam so lucky how are you doing today? my name is tarek, we have not met before,
but I believe friendship can happen by one way or the other. Perhaps you think this sounds weird, but i hope
we can become good friend for future reference
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2018
yes wonder woman i like your likes, i am pastor eddie from uganda
inactive user
hello , how are you


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Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2016
welcome to srilanka
how are u ?
inactive user
hi,i would like to be friends with you and my hobbies are reading of story books and newspapers.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 10, 2015
inactive user
just got your message--we are at the time in N.C visiting my hubby's son and we will be going to my granddaughter's wedding on the 15th in S.C. just an hours drive from here--I will definetely keep in contact with you and get in touch with you again when we return home which won't be until sometime end of month--we are on the road so will be beat when we get home!! Pray for us to get safely back home. Next trip we are going b y rail--getting harder on him driving!! God Bless You!! Teress
inactive user
Hello Patricia! I am also looking for email friends. I will be 63 soon. From Pennsylvania. Am an honest, down to earth person. Family is all gone so no women to actually talk to!
inactive user
Hello there! I am from Evansdale, Iowa, just on the outskirts of Waterloo, Iowa. I am married for the second time to a wonderful man and it will be our 11th anniversary on Sept. 27th. I am 64 years old, turning 65 On Jan. 8th in 2015.My husband is 65 and will be 66 June 4the in 2015. I have 2 daughters ages 34 and 40 who have given m3 7 grandchildren and one on the way so I will in Jan. have 8. I also have a granddaughter who is actually my ex's granddaughter who claims I am STILL her grandma--she doesn't care what anyone else says. She has a girl who is 2 1/2. So through her I have one great-grandchild. My husband has 2 sons about the ages of my daughters who are from his previous marriage also. I was married 28 years the first time and both of us had former spouses who were totally controlling, and mentally and emotionally abusive. We like to think that because of how and when we met that God put us together. We are both alike in how we treat people and always finish each others sentences or say what the other is about to say. We have NEVER had even one argument all this time!! We just don't believe in it. We are both blessed to have each other. My only regret is that my father never got to meet this gem of a man. My mother always said they would have been the best of friends. Because also, my father worked at the railroad yards. My husband is a railroad fan and I bought him for his birthday (At a deal I couldn't pass up) a huge railroad layout that with only 2 of the 4 sections set up takes up one whole stall of our garage. I bought it for his retirement present and the man almost cried!! I am a breast cancer survivor having a right masectamy in Feb. of 2008. I just can't imagine having to have gone through that with the ex--my husband now was as usual--just wonderful. We are going to take a 4 week road trip to visit his son in N.C. and my granddaughter and great-granddaughter and her daddy in S. C. in a short time. My husband wants to also take me up to Niagar
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2014
Hello,greeting from Regina in Cameroon
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