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VinceT, 79 y.o.
Manchester, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 131.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 23, 2016
miss you hope u are ok and we have won today lol but to be hornest this year we are not good
Reply - Conversation - Jul 16, 2011
hi daddy is nice to see u wearing the very and lovely jersey of united i realy love u daddy and u are so great and nice with the shirt lovely club daddy the premiership too is on the way coming by god power we will make it again bye see u daddy bye essa greetings.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 13, 2011
Nice photos! good to see someone who loves Man utd. Do you watch the Red Devils play live?
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Mar 30, 2011
hey come on are u are MAN UNTIED supporter.thats great.i also support them.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 25, 2011
Hello My Dear
How are you doing and how is your day been and the weather over there i hope everything is going good and well with you my name is sam and i am from the gambia i am looking for good and honest friend and i hope we can try it well can you tell me bit about you and how you live there i hope to hear from you sooner
take care with love and kind Regard From Sam
inactive user
thank u so much Sir do I know it
Reply - Conversation - Mar 3, 2011
My dear Good day to you and how is everything going on from your side?honestly I am glad that you honor today,I hope everything is OK with you over there .My name is Gariba Tim ,I am a Ghanaian boy of 21 years of age ,who is hard working student .And i came across your profile on here and it sound good to me ,So i decided to drop you a small note to see whether you will accept me to be your little friend ,and i hope you will accept me to be your little friend.By the grace of Almighty God . .My hobbies are reading books and playing football in my leisure time .I think that you will say that am to young ,it is my age which is small but my brain is smart then my age ,hope you understand me , And as am a hard working student ,so i want to learn more things from you ,i want to learn more about life ,How to respect older people .Hope i will learn more from you .Have to go home and do some of my school home works ..May the good Lord richly bless you and the family with love and healthy ..Looking forward to hear back from you soonest . Yours little friend
Reply - Conversation - Feb 24, 2011
How are you and your family and friends? I do hope
you are all in the best health as I am with my family and
friends here. I am Lamin and I am almost 21 years of age from the Gambian ,I am a student and am studying, English, Science, National History, and Government among subjects.
I like Science and I would like to become a Doctor in the future
so I am working hard to achieve this. Here in the Gambia I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters, I am the second to last child.
Anyway I am searching for a friend to correspond with on the net and hope to meet you
here as friend. I will be very happy if you accept my request. Anyway you can please tell me
more about yourself in your reply.and will be looking forward to her from you as well.
inactive user
how are you doingdat? i can see you are wearing our jasey man und it's my best team, i will like to know you, you seem like a nice person, i am from the gambia the smiling coast of west africa.
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