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Micha, 39 y.o.
Bremen, Germany [Current City]
Wolfenbüttel, Germany [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice


Bachelor's degree

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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 44.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 22, 2023
Hallo Micha, Ich heisse Rima. I would like to improve my German. And I am new in this site. Es freut mich dich kennenzulernen.
inactive user
this site is better -
inactive user
this site is better -
inactive user
Yes Cats are my therapy but now they need a cat therapist because of me. Anddd THE EXPANSE sounds familiar I'll definitely check it out. Thank you!
inactive user
Correct! This is a cat I saw in Okinawa haha
inactive user
Yes, I was worried. :)
inactive user
Thank you for being so kind about it. it made my day :)
inactive user
My apologies! I searched it online, reading what would be most formal and appropriate. It makes me hard how learning a language can be! I meant to say, “ my pleasure.” Thank you for letting me know. :)
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Mit Vergnügen :)
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The picture with a river and boats is in Ogaki city in Gifu prefecture. This place is a popular destination because famous Haiku master/poet in 17 century named, Matsuo Basho wrote his travel journal about this place. The place is called “Okuno hoso michi” which is also the title of his well-known journal ,The Narrow Road to the Deep North.
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