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VeeraPear, 30 y.o.
Bangkok, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 2461.
inactive user
Sawaddekaa :)
sent it to Tornio ( it´s just a reminder, I´ll move after 5/25 xD Sorry..)
Woa happy holidays :)
inactive user
byee have fun :)
inactive user
oh its simply hand dance XD Then I can try
Aw I see :D sounds fun!
inactive user
hahaa I can try.. XD
you travel again? dont worry its OK
inactive user
aww its cute yeah :D
I try to write your letter this week!
inactive user
I will go home today (Monday) but we don´t hide Easter egss, its more like UK tradition. But we ate some choko too and delicious food :)
Yes Im excited, but have to wait over 6 months so no need to hurry... and we can´t apply to Asia :/ Aww..
I will be in Portugal 5 months.. not sure yet. >< Yep, going to apply to language course too! Well it´s far from Finland, but its OK. It will be good experience ^^
No, don´t know gwiyomi ;o What it is?
hugs too!
inactive user
hii, yes I check this daily :D
i´m good, Im having Easter holiday.. long weekend, Fri to Mon is free :) awwww.. is your skin better now?
here is sunny everyday but still a lot snow. anyway spring is coming hehe.. last weekend I visited at Rovaniemi~ sauna Claus lives tehre but didnt visited at his place :P
Yes I quite often cook and bake.. aww you will get better slowly and then you can offer me some too :D hehehe..
Yes, I will be exchange student. Going to Portugal, but it´s during spring 2014. So not yet but its still geat ^^
miss you too! ♥
inactive user
sawaddekaa :)
Im good, little tired and ache >< doing gymnastic exercises is little hard~ wow, good luck!! :D
today here is -2C and snowing :)
miss you tooo ♥
Reply - Conversation - Dec 24, 2012
Imm fiiine! Merry Xmasss ♥
Reply - Conversation - Dec 23, 2012
I miss you ♥
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