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Tzumin, 40 y.o.
Daxi, Taiwan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 48.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2008
thank u very much~ i like my rabbit,but it's dead before,i felt very sorry for that...
what's amazing is:you speak chinese so well!
inactive user
呵呵 这幅也不差啊,哈哈哈!!!


嗯, 奥运会是很期待啊,可惜你又来不成啊?
inactive user
呵呵 是啊 这幅画更加气派啊! 哈哈!!!!

inactive user
hi! how are you doing? how\'s your job? I\'m doing well. On monday my computer got messed up so much :( I had to spend the entire day trying to fix it so I couldn\'t send you the music yet. I\'ll try to send to you soon :) i hope you are well :)
inactive user
Hi how are you?
sorry for my late reply, i seldom read my wall
yes, call你好
i m fine, thanks you~
nice to meet u too
inactive user
wow that\'s great! Congratulations :)
inactive user
Hey! how have you been doing lately? Did you hear about your results about your interview? I hope that you were accepted. Anyway, I\'m doing very well. I am on spring vacation now :D I really enjoy the songs that you send me :) i mostly like the Taiwanese/Chinese songs ;-) I will try to send you mail this week :) have a nice day :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 23, 2008
:P Hello sister~
inactive user
No, i raised them and unfortunately they died..
haha So, what did you do today??
inactive user
well.. but i like beer more than soju. this is just only my taste. haha oh! mixing beer and soju is good. haha ^___^
are these your puppies? so cute!
i\'ve never raised animals except 2 hamsters.
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