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Melanie, 36 y.o.
Las Vegas, United States [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 147.
inactive user
Hi, I really like homeopathic medicine too! :) Hard for me to find others who do and it makes me sad. I also like Ren Fair, BareNakedLadies, Dean Martin, Sinatra, Queen, Up, Coraline, Love Actually, The Princess Bride, RH: Men in Tights, and The Princess and the Frog.
inactive user
Hi Trisylene how are doing let me think you are doing well back in the us. iam also cool here In UGANDA i thick ican be a good pal hope to hear from you soon
inactive user
I have a message from Aiden...

He said you can have his e-mail as long as you admit that you like it when he calls you Melanie.

There you go! ;D
inactive user
I don't know what happened to him. :( *cries* He just left.
I sent him an email...he hasn't responded yet. I'll tell you if he does.
inactive user
Well.. ive gotten accused of fighting three times tonight in chat, and warned by a moderator, so im going to call it a night. hope you find something to do more interesting than interpals!
inactive user
lol. I can happily say that I don't have the cantaloupe/grape issue. But I would never look down on someone who did. ;)
inactive user
wow thats a drastic difference between 17 and 70 pushups lol

Funk Dat.
inactive user
whats required of the males? haha nice you smoke hookah. I have never actually tried that but its on my list of things to do. Do you smoke cigarettes as well?
inactive user
Oh, very cool. {:
inactive user
what are the requirements for your pt test? I am a lazy bastard I don't think I could run much faster than you.
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