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TooQuiet, 34 y.o.
Innisfil, Canada [Current City]



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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 12 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 29.
inactive user
happy new year~^^
did u have a great time on x-mas?
i just pizza with family....haha
when i think about next year,maybe i cannot spent time on the day with family. because i'll be working.
how about ur x mas?

ps.i have never dressed up in halloween. so it's very interesting to me. your blue power ranger coustum would be cute.haha
Reply - Conversation - Oct 17, 2011
yes, HK! HK is my second time visiting:)
maybe, i feeling different than the first... and enjoy my short holiday
now I'm sooooo excited >_<

i came work AM9, I've get lots of things to do today T_T
inactive user
OMG xD You're just 21!! haha
I'll be 24 on next year in Korea age. I went school early(because my birthday is on february) so my friends will be 25. It's strange that we're already adult.haha Sometimes,I think what I have to do for my future. After graduating university on next year,my 2nd life will start. I want to be student forever~~

I've never been to halloween party. Tell me your party before :D
What did you dressed up?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 11, 2011
I'm great, sorry it took so long for me to reply to your post.

and thanks for posting on my wall to begin with :P
Reply - Conversation - Oct 11, 2011
How are u?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2011
Hi Tim ^^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2011
oh, You had a hard time. What color did you paint it?

i decided to go to HK !!!!!
my holiday period very short....T_T.... so, i visit HK!

how about feeling today??
inactive user
I almost forgot this site xD. so when I saw your message,I'm really happy. It's difficult to write by english haha. If there's wrong sentence,I hope you understand me...

How have you been?
Korea is alreeady fall. I like this season. because it's the best to wandering wherever!:)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2011
I like miyajaki hayaho's movie!!!
I saw most of miyajaki's movie!!!
I'm a fan of zebra studio :)
but I don't see arriety yet..:]
thanks for recommending.
I will see that movie!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 23, 2011
um..well, this time, I'm on vacation planner:)
maybe in oct,
but... I have not yet decided on a place ;_;kkkkkk

how about u?
anything exciting happen today?!?
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