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Joakim, 36 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]
Stockholm, Sweden [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 131.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 3, 2019
Thank you for your message.
Well, not really good sadly, struggling to recover from lost.
I like spitz, too.
inactive user
Really? I didn't know that! But it's acceptable to mix languages when both speakers are non native English speakers, no? Kkk

I would love to get married. I'm an insecure little woman that wants the feeling of belonging to somebody special at the end of the day you know. The problem I have now is I can't seem to find somebody who I could possibly love and who loves me the same way. But meh, I'm happy as I am at the moment.

That lifting and screaming part got me laugh so hard haha.
I've never been to gym as I feel sick with thoughts of being stuck amongst perfect muscular people. Like. Ew.

I'll go and check your insta in a minute.
I'm more of a good eater than a cook. ;)

Fluff up as much as you can please
inactive user
Sambo eh?
So what do you think of a marriage, you will never get married?

I'm quite far from lazy when compared with other people too especially when it comes to spending my free time (free time not so free kk)

The food I always miss and have right after a trip outside of Korea is 김밥 and 떡볶이. I never fail to buy kimbap on the way home from the airport. ㅋㅋㅋ what can you cook? I'm a terrible cook but I know how to make 미역국 for birthdays.

How was your experience at SNU? How did it feel to be surrounded by smarty pants?
inactive user
I think the closer you are to a country or a place the easier it is to get lazy to go because you easily can go there anytime. Kinda like kids that live the closest to the school come the latest. :P

I prefer not to meet Koreans when I'm abroad because I know I will end up being too lazy and miss good chances to meet people from other parts of the world.

Eh your parents don't live together?
I've only been to Stockholm and Göteborg and some little towns near it. You must miss home don't you? Lovely country but somewhat depressing in winter..
inactive user
Ahhh I see. Which part of Sweden are you from?
I couldn't have guessed with the helmet missing on your head.
And indeed blinding pale face and blond hair :P

I was doing work and holiday thing there for a year but I just went to a language school and enjoyed my holiday kk
Love that city and people there. I went back there 3 weeks ago on the lunar new year's holiday to visit friends.
inactive user
Ah same with my German and English!
My English is still a lot better than German though.
Beginner course is the most fun one with zero pressure. ㅋㅋㅋ I miss when I was taking German classes in Hamburg back in 2011. Had so much fun communicating with beginners from other countries. We all spoke kind of broken German. Hehee
Have you lived in Sweden too?
inactive user
Haha you don't want to see it...
So you've lived in Korea before. How good is your Korean now?
inactive user
Err you jelly?
I'm afraid I have no thingy to offer what you've been hoping to get for that long. Next time I get one I will make sure to share the good friend with you okay?
They usually seem perfectly in a good mental state until they get into another messenger app though.
inactive user
Right ㅋㅋㅋ Most of people here are weird and lame but I'm leaving this account open for that one or two possibly decent humans to get to know out of hundreds of dummies.
And I got a dicpic last week so I guess it's going well..
inactive user
Your wall posts are interesting.. What did you do to deserve all the swear words in the world?
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