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Valerie, 39 y.o.
Billings, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 72.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 23, 2015
Hello TigerlilyMagPie! Actually I have not many friends from the Great Britan (you're very first). To be honist it's interesting for me to practice English and bla-bla-bla, but I like you personally. So it would be my pleasure to be you panpall. Let's be friends!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2015
OMG I can't believe you like tank girl. I love the beatniks
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2015
Hi cutie. We have some stuff in common. I like baking and eating other peoples cooking... I have interest in biology although these days it has migrated to horticulture. You seem chill. We are buried in snow here in NY I can only imagine what you have going on there now.
inactive user
hey how are you?
inactive user
What's the right status about,your presence here? At all if you're satisfied about your time management and if it's Enough ,that so notion of time who's telling that we Don't have much!
inactive user
Hey You
What about Time?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 6, 2015
Could you teach me English?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 6, 2015
I am studying English
Reply - Conversation - Jan 6, 2015
Are you studying Japanese?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 6, 2015
Can you speak Japanese?
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