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Gábor, 31 y.o.
Budapest, Hungary [Current City & Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 275.
inactive user
Nagyon adom, hogy minden keped ugyarra a koncepciora epul :o :DD
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2020
What's infj?
inactive user
Very funny.
inactive user
there are no notifications popping up, chll
inactive user
i know i know its not very hot
inactive user
inactive user
INTJ here!
inactive user
as a kid I used to take the same kind of pics and collect them in a private folder of my laptop. I lost them and I have never had the guts to post them anywhere.

Useless to say, I kinda regret that now and your profile totally made my day.. Thanks! haha
inactive user
You're welcome, mister! Your love and devotion to patatoes is unlike anything I've ever encountered, it's almost unparalleled! So potatoes are your first true love then, eh?

I don't even know which paragraphs of your profile had me most in stitches, maybe the request section :)
inactive user
Your profile had me weeping! Your love for patatoes is too much for this world - I STAN it!
-also hi! *I literally just waved at my screen*
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