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David Chen, 35 y.o.
Kraków, Poland [Current City]
Chaozhou, China [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Bachelor's degree


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 1 year ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 413.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 27, 2017
Hi freak :P
Reply - Conversation - Jul 8, 2017
Greetings from Guangzhou XD
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2016
Guangdong :)
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2014
You are a freak xD
How are you lately??
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2014
Hey xx
Reply - Conversation - Nov 21, 2013
Tedddyyyyy!!! Still alive? :P
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2012
Long time no see. Are you ok? :-)
inactive user
Oh.. so let's exchange the weather. Would you like cold and rainy? :)
inactive user
Happy Birthday! All the best wishes to you =) I hope your dreams are coming true :)
inactive user
I also have to apologize for my late reply. I am lonely a lot, but I've been watching a lot of dramas. You're so talented with languages! I didn't get the job at the crafts store, instead I'm starting training at McDonald's on Monday. It's not the best place to work, but money is money. I think it would be really freaking awesome if I were able to come visit you. Thanks for always caring about my health :) Stay healthy as well! Eat a lot and bundle up under the covers at night! My town doesn't have a very large Chinese population, but I went to the Chinese market with my sister and bought a bunch of food. There was this sweet bun with a red paste in it, I have no idea what it's called, but I loved it. Maybe I'll get on live and we'll like old times? My tablet has a camera so I can video chat with you.
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