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Tamara, 29 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 311.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 13, 2010
okayy (: oh well yeh yeh i could be hppy knowing that spain won. people told me that, the goal was offside. :S
thats cool, Ned did it well too :D

so whats neww?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2010
oh i see! lol thats ok :D i can understand!
and thanks, i will check it later and approve it, thanks a lot :))
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2010
uhm, idk, ive ever changed my msn let you see. this is mine: [email protected]
and what do you mean with 'delete my number wisely'? :O
you said you still have it? kinda confused d;
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2010
hahaha yeppp.of course i do :)
and yeaah tonight it is! i got a feeling that ned will win, even i supporting spain as well. sorry. :S and you're very welcome!

really? you still save my number? thats coool. and i still on msn just some time. not really often. heheh.

doeiii, ik hou van je<3
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2010
OMFG. i of course remember youuuuu! you're one of my best pen pals everr :) TAAAAM hows netherland? omg i effin missin you!
you're getting more pretty, i envy you. i know that, i know 'doei' means like 'bye' right?

Tam, Ik Hou Van Jeeeeee. i really would love to text ya via sms! :D
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2009
hello~ ^^ how are u??
Reply - Conversation - Apr 19, 2009
hey tamara babehh! ::D
howr you? im not talk with you for agess!

missyoulots :D

inactive user
Okee maakt niet uit ik zit er ook niet vaak meer op ;)
Ja ik was 1,5 jaar geleden in disney land parijs.
En was carnaval leuk? :D
Ging je verkleed ofzo?
haha hier hebben we er niks aan gedaan, heb er wel wat op tv van gezien maar verder niks XD
Reply - Conversation - Feb 14, 2009
HOw are you??
I'm sorry for not Online for such a long time...
I'm a little busy this week...Sooo much tests I have in my school..
How about you??
inactive user
Haha carnaval? Dat is toch met verkleden enzo?
Daar doen we hier niet aan hahaha :P
Is dat dan een optocht ofzo iets op straat?

Nee ik ga niet op vakantie, we zouden eerst 3 dagen naar Disney in Parijs gaan maar doordat met m'n oma enzo wil m'n moeder liever niet gaan. Dus nu gaan we in de meivakantie :)

dankje! (L)
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