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Seems as if you survived Christmas... =)
How are you? Had a nice Christmas?
What's new? What's about to happen in the near, and distant if you'd like to tell me, future?
Read any good books recently? Perhaps even some that I've recommended?
Hope you're doing ok, I miss talking to you.
Happy new year, my friend!

I'm sorry I never answered your message from 5th June, I just simply found myself without energy for a period there. I have those periods at times. I'm not sure whether I'll ever answer that message. I would find it nice however to chat with you more regularly, preferably by using some messaging service like Skype or MSN Messenger... Would that be OK with you?
Really looking forward to hear from you again...
Hi! First, let me apologise for my late reply. I haven't logged in this website for long and thus couldn't answer earlier. Thanks for your message! Indeed I'd like to get some help in English, or at least some practice, since there's no better way to improve in a foreign language than to practice. In return, I would of course be delighted to help you in French (I've always liked to teach languages :-D) You seem to be a very interesting person, although I agree it's definitely hard to tell from a mere Interpals profile... And yeah, I guess creating a unique political system mustn't be that easy, and I'd be glad to help - btw you're writing a novel? That's awesome!! ^^
PS: I didn't bookmark you, hope you found out who it is :-)
PS: I didn't bookmark you, hope you found out who it is :-)

And yes, Phileo is one of the words used in the Bible you mentioned, for the love between brothers and friends. Or at least that was the information I was given. =P
Which is your favourite character in the Chronicles of Narnia? Mine is definitely Puddleglum. Perhaps because I can see myself in him (which you might have noticed?), but I also love his braveness, how he tries so hard even in things he never really believe in, and how he\'s a bit of an optimist deep, deep inside...
What are your interests that make you so odd?
Are you a non-conformism because you don\'t follow the crowd, or a non-follower so that you can call yourself non-conformist? =P
What does your home in your mind look like...? Tell me about it! =)
And what makes you so odd? Tell me what you\'re like and your way of thinking... =) Perhaps you\'re alone in your way of thinking, all the more interesting... ; )
Sorry if I\'ve been sort of mean at times, I treat people who seem to be like me like myself... If I seem a bit harsh, it\'s just because I try to test you, to see if that\'s gold that glitters... =)

... just what exactly do you mean when you say \"interesting\"? You make it sound like you know exactly what you mean when you use it, but remember that I won\'t let you take me or my opinions for granted in any way. I tend to reform then... =P
I\'m not deep about myself. I am really a quite shallow dude, so I can tell you all about me, and then perhaps it seems deep... =P
1. You\'re a Christian.
2. You read books.
Was it really necessary to mention that you love CS Lewis? =P
But I like the Chronicles, and some of his ideas in some other books. The Space Trilogy has some very fascinating thoughts at some times, too.
What do you like by Lewis then?
And when you say you\'re a bibliophile, what is it you love, really?

ave a bright future
I bookmarked you, just so you know =)

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