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Tali_A, 33 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 46.
inactive user
yeah a tear jerker, good book though
Reply - Conversation - Mar 15, 2009
Okay, I also wanna understand Amharic.. But is seems quite difficult..
Well I guess that I should be happy to live in a safe and "rich" country as Sweden is. I mean no one dies here because don't get food.
I that's so good!! I wish it was like that here.. I've never been to the U.S. But we had plans on going there but we changed us. We are now going to U.K instead (much cheaper) And ever there the people are so much nicer than here. Almost in all the countries I've been to the people have been so much nicer..
I hope you understand how I mean I'm not so good at explaining in English XD
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2009
Okay, what language do you speak with your relatives?
Okay :P
I really really miss the country.. Me and my mum where there 2003 and it was wonderful :) The people are so nice there compare to the people here in Sweden.. It's not that I don't like Sweden. 'cos Sweden is a safe and a good country to live in.. It's just that here in Sweden when you are some where (not at home) You pretend that the people around you is not there.. If you say hello to someone that you don't know that person would think you where very strange. But of the countries I have visited almost all the countries are better than Sweden..

i'm sry that I don't respond very quickly.
inactive user
haha yea..
i hope for you to not come back there..:P
inactive user
yeh 18 months with good trainin and determination u'll be able to do what every soldier can do ,wish u all the best
Reply - Conversation - Mar 6, 2009
hey tali sorry for the delaid reply.i just want to be ur penpal as well and i can also help improve ur amharic if u like.
have a nice time
inactive user
now am startin to like u ,cus i really love the army.i was supposed to be a marine this time but my mum damn hahaha,anyway go do your thing
inactive user
i live really close to rehovot but i dont know where kiriat moshe is.. but if it is the neighbourhood i think about so its is a ghetto
inactive user
lol we arent that different.. we are not monkeys from another planet..
where did you live in israel?
inactive user
hahahaha ok sorry i was thinkin that u have a man or something r u going to stay in israel or u just going there for holidays?
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