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Stefan, 48 y.o.
Worms, Germany [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 140.
inactive user
Tag!!!!! Wie gehts? :)
inactive user
well.that is nice
so how is your christmas.
haha i finished my christmas party in my class this morning
wow,such a wonderful party i had ever had
we shared whatever we had.and we exchanged our gifts
in the end,we made some NewYear resolutions.
everything went on smoothly(ALthough we chinese do not have a day off for christmas and we can not have the chance for the get-together with our families.)

well.anyway.thanks for your replying
and hope you have a nice day
and hope we can be friends and have a nice chat
inactive user
thanks for dropping by my profile
Reply - Conversation - Dec 23, 2010
inactive user
JAY-Z haha ,the empire state of mind
inactive user
Hey....thanks for stopping by my page!!

Best regards from the U.S.

How are you enjoying the snow??
inactive user
wow youve been here cool....
inactive user
Hey Stefan
sorry for the late response - my apologies
the pic is actually a backround special pic I took when I was there
otherwise all is ok for me I guess I hope all is good with you
agin sorry about response time will not happen again
your friend
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2010
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2010
hi Stefan, greetings from Brazil!! how are you?
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