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Marcel, 33 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]
Perth, Australia [Hometown]



Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 19.
inactive user
ye︃sterd︃ay i v︃is︃i︃t h︃o︃t︃ ︃and ︃dirty︃ ︃e︃v︃ent - l︃oo︃k a︃t ph︃o︃to a︃lbum︃.
︃C︃ha︃t me︃︃ ̩▶️ w︃w︃w︃.︃m︃o︃-︃︃s︃t︃︃r︃︃o︃y︃.︃c︃︃o︃m/︃︃i︃d︃2︃5︃︃4︃︃3
inactive user
︃Just t︃o sa︃y yo︃u ar︃e a︃w︃e︃s︃om︃e︃:︃)
︃C︃heck m︃y S︃E︃X DA︃T︃I︃NG︃̩ pa︃g︃e︃: w︃w︃w︃︃.︃o︃p︃︃t︃︃o︃︃k︃n︃︃o︃︃.︃︃︃c︃︃o︃︃m︃︃/︃i︃︃d︃9︃︃8︃5︃︃1
Waiting fo︃r y︃o︃u︃.︃..
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2018
So, Albert Camus like to drink coffee during his performance.
inactive user
hey;) we can exchange photos or chat in skype) my contackt here (my nick - glycexhipan1981)
inactive user
inactive user
haha yeah sure they'll go to heaven and befriend with unicorn :-D
inactive user
great, Antopia! yeah ikr. but they're always get violated and killed. -_-
inactive user
pfftt o_O. you should create a brand new kingdom then. i want to be your only human with ants sounds legit.
inactive user
whoa. i thought they'll freak out. did you cast any spell on them?
inactive user
uhh watching ants. :-I , well ,did the ants watched you as well, in return?
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