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Solène, 33 y.o.
Brussels, Belgium [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 107.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 23, 2012
Hope everything is good with you :] its been forever since we talked!how was the US?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 22, 2011
Heeeeey Solène!!!!! Where were you so long time???
I also wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Lively New Year's Eve!!! :)) with a lot of champagne! lol

inactive user
<3 en retour mon coeur ! C'est si long mais je pars dans quelques minutes :) Plus exactement dans une grosse demie heure haha :p Je t'aime !!!!!!!!
inactive user
Je t'aime ma chérie de mon coeur ...
inactive user
Un petit couocu ma douce !! =) je t'aime =)
inactive user
Moi non plus je ne tiens plus :(( je t'aime =)))
inactive user
How do u do?
I'm Aasay from Gambia, West Africa.
Do you want to talk?
Nice to see you here..........XXXD
inactive user
Un petit message en passant sur mon temps de midi :) je mange rien mais je bois un petit truc pour tenir ... j'ai l'estomac tout nouer car tu me manques :(
Reply - Conversation - May 26, 2011
plus tot je passe mon bac alor je suis entrain de révisier :p
inactive user
Sii Sii my SL <3 !! THE FIRST ONE !!! You are the privileged !! I LOVE THAT !!
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