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Gyeonglim-Yoo, 30 y.o.
Suwon, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 323.
Reply - Conversation - May 7, 2013
Hi! how are you?
I hope that you are fine.

Have a good week ^^/
Reply - Conversation - Apr 16, 2012
Fine! :D
and you?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 31, 2011
Happy New Year My Friend.......
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2011
Where you at? T^T
Reply - Conversation - Nov 11, 2011
Yes I did ^ ^
Do you like it?~

I'm very good. But little tired as always~
How about you dear?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 11, 2011
I miss you T^T
Reply - Conversation - Oct 28, 2011
hehe :D me too.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 28, 2011
OKay, I'll waiting for them :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 28, 2011

Some days ago I said that I'll tell you some things about my class. Sorry that I write you (just) now.~

So I attend a special program. It is called Arany János Program. It's for talented students with difficult social background. So students come here who has some financial or other problems at home (only one parent bring the child/children). There are about 15-20 schools which joined this program.

We can get:
- driving licence for free
- Enlish language exam for free

Although we have to stay at the hostel every months for a weekend and of couse we all live in a hostel.
When we stay there for weekends we go to trips or stay at the hostel and there are some presentation and something like that.

And we try to learn hard to say thanks for every help. (Some students dond't do this...)

All in all it's a good program, but there are some teacher who hates us... It's a little bit sad I think.:S
Reply - Conversation - Oct 26, 2011
Oh I started to understand what you want to say me. Okay....ummm... I learn a lot almost always *hih* I sometimes hate it of course but I wanna do my best. And if I have a little bit more time I listen to music and translate things.:D Nowadays I translate a lot of kpop songs (from English) to my site. I'm so happy that people say: "Your translations are really great" or "OMG nobody have translated it yet..THANKS!" and things like that.^^

I did it in Pápa (town where I study). And it is organized by my school for me and my classmates.:D 'cuz I attend a special class. Next time I will tell you some things about it. Now it's too long and I'm tired a bit.

We are always busy.xD It's too boring... But you are a 'real Korean'... I think Koreans have to learn more thanHungarians etc. And you do your best and don't really say that "it's too many, I can't learn etc." But Hungarians (not every people!!) say: "OMFG test again? No more! I hate learning.*Bwaaaa* Who did make up the school???>___<" Ok...I say it sometimes, but not all the time.xD
Is this too stange for you?:)

FIGHTING for us!xd
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