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San2332, 34 y.o.
Bandung, Indonesia [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 31.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2013
emang muka gue tua banget apa? sial. kalo ambil referensinya dari foto, seharusnya gue manggil lu mbah dong? hahaha. becanda juga :P
ooh waktu sd. terus gimana itu pas sd di texas mas? ga ngomong sama sekali dong?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2013
jiah, saya masih 20 mas. jangan dipanggil mba dong. lebih tua situ juga.. ooh, ngikut ortu. enak bener. waktu sd mas?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2013
ngapain mas di texas lima tahun? TKI?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2011
wet seasons coming
inactive user
amin bos...saling mendoa kan aja..
inactive user
im not sure wondering... i think there are 3 semesters of mathematical physics. The courses "theoretical physics" and mathematical physics are given at the same time. 1,1 2,2 and 3 and 3.

Well, thats the part i'm most interested. (and i think im better on that, because i'm useless in the labs...). But im getting interested to electricity, though. there is a master course in superconductors..
Also, im in an eternal doubt, because theoretical physics seems to be a "poor" field of physics. Its more abstract, and you should expect a better "financial return" from experimental physics, mainly that stuff of materials. well, i dont know, maybe im wrong.
but science and arts arent the best ways to get rich :D

Yeah, in the whole undergraduation is given the basic subjects. Anyway, that depends on the university. For example, some universities of south, they give the "basic subjects" for two years. the other two years, you have to choose a field to specify, and they will redirect your subjects to your choice. For example, if i want to study...qed they wouldnt put a subject of...astronomy to me. Thats totally pointless. vice versa is the same. they wouldnt put quantum electrodymanics if i wish to be an astronomer or cosmologist.
By the way, while in the undergraduate program, you can choose to work as an student, oriented, by a researcher. You will help him, and will learn a bit about the field hes working at the moment. All in all, its a kind of specialization. You also receive some money for that. But as i said, most of the researchers are experimental...
Geophysics seems to be cool. But i dont know its given by the physics department here...its a specialization of geology, i guess. Is it a master course, right?
inactive user
Well, I understand the risks of getting an unqualifiedand scared medical student do anything around hospital grounds, so I completely get it why we are studying some boring crap in the beginning)) I just hope all my current sufferings will be rewarded later))
You sure have many interesting photos. Partying a lot? =)
inactive user
yeah, same here. i will have quantum mechanics next year only.
anywayl...i dont know that book you told me...
the subject "mathematical physics" is divided in two here doing the first one yet.

Well, im interested in theoretical physics, but the research on it in my university is pretty bad. they focus in materials, nano...also something about clouds, x-ray...spectroscopy and pharmaceuticals. thats a small department.
And have no speciality yet. Its like the "basical" course yet. after that ill attempt for a master, maybe in germany.
are you already doing a speciality?
inactive user
That's Texas for ya!!!
inactive user
07 n you?
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