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Sam, 36 y.o.
Isfahan, Iran [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 22, 2013
hi isfahanian boy ;)
inactive user
Well, it may take a while before I can leave again for Iran. Hehehe.
I've been to Kish Island 4 times, and the last one was almost 5 years ago. Hehehe. But I do hope to come back there. I love that place.
And if I have the chance.. I'll definitely go where you are too. ^^
Is it hard to learn Farsi?
inactive user
Oohh.. interesting.
He is studying where? In Philippines?
Yes.. I've heard of Esfahan. Wish I can visit it too one day!
inactive user
Oh! You already have a Filipino friend?
How did you meet him?
Yeah.. I've been to Kish before. I fell in love with the place.
But it was some years ago!
inactive user
Glad to see you posted back.
My name's Edge by the way.
Have you ever gone to Kish island?
inactive user
Welcome to Interpals!
I always wanted to have an Iranian friend. Hope you could be one.
Greetings from Philippines!
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