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Veann Mclainney, 34 y.o.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [Current City]
Kuching, Malaysia [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Flirting and romance


Some college
Riam Institute of Technology Miri


Marketing Coordinator

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 256.
inactive user
I just watched it once..not that much I can remember..but Im so frustrated when the moment she confess her love to him..and he didnt realize it?!.. goshhh... a lil bit sad when she tried to kill herself.. gladly he's there to save her... ahhh
Honestly, I have a mix feeling while watching this anime.. but, tht's interesting about it.. this anime play with my kokoro and I love it!
How bout you?what anime u r into recently?
inactive user
Hi..Hahaha.. you do attract my attention with your question..
So far, I just watch Koe no for Kimi no na wa, I may watch it this weekend, perhaps..hahah
inactive user
Uwah~ so that's why he looked familiar. Are u still a fan of Tokusatsu works?
I just started watching Ghibli movies now. :)

LMAO, I forgot man. Sorry. hahaa
But that's true, it;s better that u earn your own money and stand with your own feet.
inactive user
Check this out. :)

From what movie? Takeda Kouhei?

Dude, trust me. Adult life is so f*cked up you'd rather stay in school. >.<
inactive user
Right? I mean, you'll never know :)

Ever heard of Baozi and Hana? Two very good looking guys. They look good together. >.<

I'm working actually. Haha
I've graduated college 3 years ago.
How about you?
inactive user
I read its manga, not the anime, lol it would take too much time.

Even with earphones on, you can't be sure with your surroundings. haha

Well it depends on the person, I guess? I mean I like yaoi bc I think it's cute. haha
And the guys are very good looking lmao.
inactive user
You really should, it's awesome af!

Ohh~ idk, I'm never really into mecha.

I just read in manga, not anime bc you know, the sounds. lmao
Anyway, fudashis are boys who like to read yaoi. If you like yuri, that makes you hime-danshi? Idk, we don't really use the term. Just plain "Yuri fan" is sufficient.
I have a lot of friends who're into yaoi, they make drawings of it sometimes. I think they're awesome. :)
inactive user
I like genres such as shounen, comedy and drama. I like One Piece the best. But I read manga as well. I'm mostly eeqding manga nowadays bc of work. No time for anime anymore. I'm currently reding Yaiba now. Shounen + Comedy.
I'm secretly reading yaoi tho~
Fujoshi desu! :))
inactive user
Hi! So I've checked out where that reference came from and I found out it's from the anime Koe no Katachi. I'm sad to say I haven't watched the anime bc it's romance. hahah! I'm not just into that genre. lol
Anyway, nice to meet you. Matta ne~!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2014
happy birthday
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